Do This When You're 3 Months Pregnant

Do This When You're 3 Months Pregnant

Growing a baby makes me feel like a superhero... A really tired, weak superhero who wants to eat all the time and isn't allowed to lift heavy objects.

Things are getting real real now. By the end of this month, you’ll have a fully formed teeny, tiny human in you with arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes that can open and close its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming.

You may or may not be showing, but you should have some semblance to the woman who began this journey 8 weeks ago. In the coming 32 weeks, this tiny human is going to do unfathomable things to your body. It will be magical and miraculous and mind-blowing. And super uncomfortable and really, really hard to come to terms with sometimes when you see yourself naked in a mirror. 

You likely already feel somewhat like an incubator, but before this little chickadee really starts stretching the limits making you very much look like an incubator – enjoy the skin you’re in! (In support of body positivity, you should really enjoy your body no matter what, but we know this is a tough turning point for many women.)

One very lovely way to bask in that glorious body of yours is through massage (especially before your belly prevents you from laying on your tummy). Rub yourself. Ask your partner for a long, loving rub. If your budget allows, treat yourself to a pampering session at a salon. (Be sure to tell your therapist that you're pregnant, as some therapies aren't suitable for the first trimester.) 

If you're suffering from morning sickness, headaches or are feeling tense and worried, ask your partner for a neck and shoulder massage.

You are a goddess! Treat yourself like one!

Your new mantra: Enjoy this bod.

Baby Size-O-Meter: 12 weeks = a plumb


Check out our entire pregnancy series that’s all about YOU. Because being pregnant shouldn’t mean losing yourself and just becoming a baby oven ;)


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