If You're 8 Months Pregnant, You Need a Pre-Baby Bucket List

If You're 8 Months Pregnant, You Need a Pre-Baby Bucket List

Switching sides while you’re sleeping during the third trimester should be an Olympic event.


There are certain things that parents of newborns simply don’t do. They don’t go to the movies. They don’t go out to restaurants – and if they do, they never finish their meal because there’s always a diaper change, spit up, or crying fit to take care of. They don’t travel and they don’t sleep in. Forget about anything spontaneous: sex, trips to the mall, weekends away with friends. Soon, you’ll be grateful for the days you get to wash your hair.

For now, come up with your pre-baby bucket list. Some couples take a babymoon—one last luxurious vacation before life becomes all about diapers and swaddling. But your bucket list doesn’t have to be fancy. What things (big or small) bring you joy now, that will be infinitely harder to accomplish once the baby arrives? Whatever it is, do that! Schedule a manicure or haircut, grab a casual (decaf) latte with girlfriends, finish that series you’ve been binge watching, get tickets to a play, spend time outdoors, organize the closets, turn off your alarm, go out to dinner and really savor the uninterrupted meal, gather your friends together for one final hurrah.

It’s true that life will never be the same after your little creature enters the scene (and that’s part of the fun!). When you do finally venture back out into the real world for a special date night together, you’ll have to force yourself to stop texting instructions to the babysitter. And retail therapy becomes a lot less therapeutic when you have to navigate a clunky baby stroller through the aisles, so you’ll quickly learn what trips are essential and which ones you can live without. You’ll eventually start seeing friends again, but with a 5:00 p.m. hard out so you can get your baby bathed and ready to sleep by 6. 

Until then, bask in these last weeks of pre-baby life and spend them however you want! 

Your new mantra: I will take time for adult fun every minute I can.


Baby Size-O-Meter: 8 months = pineapple


Check out our entire pregnancy series that’s all about YOU. Because being pregnant shouldn’t mean losing yourself and just becoming a baby oven ;)


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