How To Deal When Your 2-Month-Old Has Taken Over Your Life

How To Deal When Your 2-Month-Old Has Taken Over Your Life

You had glorious expectations for parenthood. You were going to handle every crying fit, diaper bomb, and spit up with the composure of a saint. You weren’t going to be one of those pathetic parents loitering outside your baby’s room while he sleeps, ready to jump into action at the slightest stir. You were going to disinfect every day, prepare healthy, homemade meals, and keep up with the laundry like a boss. And you were going to do it all by yourself while still looking like the put-together human you were pre-baby. Ahhh, if only!  

Going above and beyond for your tiny human means you’re gonna need some TLC, too. Self-care doesn’t have to be fancy or extra. Just focus on the basics: sleeping, eating, breathing, moving. Your little bundle of joy doesn’t care if you’re wearing makeup, and she can certainly survive in her crib for five minutes while you take a shower (yes, even if she’s crying!). Aim to get outside every day for some fresh air and Vitamin D. Your baby will benefit from the change of scenery just as much as you!

Another form of self-care is admitting that you can’t do it all on your own. Remember that person who said, “Let me know if you need anything. . .” Well, now’s the time to take them up on it because there will always be something you need. A-L-W-A-Y-S. When your (close and trusted) friend wants to hold the baby while you catch up on chores or take a nap – for the love of all that is holy let them! If your neighbor offers to bring you dinner—don’t be picky, take anything! No offers? It’s ok to raise the alarm. Most people are happy to help, especially if there’s a cute baby involved. Tell them you’ll repay the favor just as soon as you can. (What’ll that be? 2, 5 or ten years from now?)

PRO HACK: State your needs. Do not let the sounds of a screaming baby drown out your voice.

SUPER PRO HACK: Say yes to everyone who offers to help in any way, shape, or form. We know you’re a superhero, but you don’t need to prove it all the time. 




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