3 Ways to Give Back to Teachers This School Year

3 Ways to Give Back to Teachers This School Year

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13 Simple Ways to Support Foster Families

13 Simple Ways to Support Foster Families

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Teaching Your Little Ones About Racism & Inclusivity: Resources for Parents

Teaching Your Little Ones About Racism & Inclusivity: Resources for Parents

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Brene Brown on Empathy: An Eye-Opening Animated Video

Brene Brown on Empathy: An Eye-Opening Animated Video

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"Oh, she has two moms. That’s cool. So what are you going to do when she asks who her dad is? What are you going to do if her dad wants to be involved?...blah blah blah blah...”

"Oh, she has two moms. That’s cool. So what are you going to do when she asks who her dad is? What are you going to do if her dad wants to be involved?...blah blah blah blah...”

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"While Hodgkin’s is highly treatable, it’s also fast growing. I wanted to be a mom so bad. This was the first time I really cried.'

"While Hodgkin’s is highly treatable, it’s also fast growing. I wanted to be a mom so bad. This was the first time I really cried.'

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Whether you're expecting, or deep in doody-land & could use help paying for diapers, we're here for you!

Create a Diaper Registry Fund and start crowdsourcing bucks for booty-wrappers.

Want $ for Diapers?

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"One of the most common phrases I hear when people find out that we foster is, 'I could never do that because...'”

"One of the most common phrases I hear when people find out that we foster is, 'I could never do that because...'”

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Leftover Diapers? Please Donate Them to Families in Need

Leftover Diapers? Please Donate Them to Families in Need

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“You must be so glad to be out of the NICU and have those preemie days behind you.”

“You must be so glad to be out of the NICU and have those preemie days behind you.”

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Inclusivity Is the New Black

Inclusivity Is the New Black

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From Foster Parents of 10 - to Having Twins

From Foster Parents of 10 - to Having Twins

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"He has taught us that a disability isn't a punishment or a mistake, it's an obstacle that shows you patience, the purest form of love – acceptance, and compassion."

"He has taught us that a disability isn't a punishment or a mistake, it's an obstacle that shows you patience, the purest form of love – acceptance, and compassion."

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A Day in the Life of Postpartum Depression

A Day in the Life of Postpartum Depression

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"I realized how fortunate I was to be able to conceive naturally, while this woman sitting across the table from me longed for what I had."

"I realized how fortunate I was to be able to conceive naturally, while this woman sitting across the table from me longed for what I had."

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"I woke up on January 11, 2012 to family and friends sitting in a circle holding my daughter begging me to go to treatment."

"I woke up on January 11, 2012 to family and friends sitting in a circle holding my daughter begging me to go to treatment."

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"For a time that was supposed to be the most magical time, I felt nothing of magic & only of struggle."

"For a time that was supposed to be the most magical time, I felt nothing of magic & only of struggle."

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